Bobbi Bennett
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Bobbi Bennett, a CA based photographer, now living in Santa Fe, is known for creating environments either in the studio or on location. Using live models, painted backgrounds, twigs, mud and various lighting techniques, she illustrates a thematic image. Her themes range from Native Americans, Angels, Superheroes, Goddess Icons and Abstract landscape.
Her newest series “Home on the Range” includes stylized photographic landscape, mixed media pieces depicting "Cowboy Culture", a series of ceramic bulls and horses and a complete expose of the churches in Santa Fe and the surrounding areas.
She photographs her images with large format film cameras. Using a Maymiya 6 x 7 and Toyo View 4 x 5 camera, where she is able get an extremely large negative. Bennett prints traditionally, using chemistry, and the final result is a traditional, chromatic c-print. All her photographs are created through props and set-up. There is no photo shop manipulation in Bennett’s images. Her images are extremely limited, ranging in four to ten editions.
Bennett’s work is in the permanent collection at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Los Angeles Museum of Art, Beverly West Residencies, Beverly Hills CA, and the Four Seasons in Maui, HI. Bennett’s imagery is widely collected nationally.